Melissa & Jamie spent weeks getting their acreage, just outside Olds, Alberta, ready for this incredible day. We were in awe of the attention paid to the little details which made their home-spun wedding incredibly memorable. It was not only the normal wedding preparation but also beds of flowers and a huge garden lovingly tended, as well as their beautiful dogs cared for and groomed for their trip down the isle. And as their family and friends started to show up, the level of excitement increased to the point where it was tangible. You could feel the emotion and buzz in the air as people shared in and became the love that will support this couple for a lifetime to come.
It was a beautiful day with an amazing couple. Melissa and Jamie, we loved hanging out with you and we’re excited for you to see your blog.
We would love to know what you think @ or Facebook .
Filled Under : Wedding
Beautiful Bride of course and all the pics are gorgeous.