On the coldest (and final) day of the year, these two amazingly warm-hearted people were married. The cold didn’t stop them. It had quite an opposite effect. It made them courageous, it made them creative and they persevered with the most joy. The bridesmaids wrapped in blankets and the groom sported his beaver mittens. The filtered sunlight through the hoarfrost making the world a patchwork quilt of softest blue and white.
Laura and Jamie, from the God-made wonders, to your people, and to your every detail, your day was stunning. And, to borrow from your maid of honours speech… Who would have their wedding on a day when cars won’t run, jackets don’t warm, and breath freezes in mid air? Laura would and Laura did (and Jamie too).
Congratulations to you both from the bottom of our hearts.
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Olson Studios – Calgary Wedding Photographers.
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