We met Danielle a few years back when we first worked together with her on a wedding. We fell in love with her dramatic style, attention to detail and her extreme talent (plug: if you’re looking for a great make-up artist, look no further). When she approached us about working with her on her own wedding, we were delighted! And, once again, her style shone through… from a historic home wedding (St Ann Ranch) to a sheer back gown, from stunning J.Crew jewellery to her bedazzled Toms (2400 stones that she placed by hand)!!
We truly loved every moment of Aaron and Danielle’s beautiful fall wedding, we only wish there were more hours in a day… even with upwards of 10,000 images, there was still so much we would have wanted to spend time capturing, as well as fantastic company we would have loved the chance to get to know a bit better.
And, without further ado, enjoy your blog, Aaron and Danielle!
We would love to know what you think @ olsonstudios.ca/contact-us or get a hold of us on Facebook.
Olson Studios – Calgary Wedding Photographers.
Filled Under : Wedding
Trevor and Rachel these photos are amazing! You 2 have captured Dani and Aaron’s day perfectly! From their love for each other, to their incredible wedding party, to the love they have for their Cody dog, to capturing their home wedding.
What a special gift both of you have behind your cameras eye! We will definitely be recommending you, might want to give up your day job Trevor.
You’re going to be busy after we’re done recommending you two, just saying.
Holly & Tom Frere