Before you start, have you seen Brittney and Dale’s hilarious Photo Booth??? If not, we recommend that you stop in for a good laugh.
Brittney and Dale’s wedding just outside Sundre, Alberta was one of the most inspiring wedding locations that we have ever had the honour of capturing. Everything that you are about to see was taken in either Brittney or Dale’s childhood backyards. They, and their friends and families, spent months transforming their homes into something magical so that Brittney and Dale’s wedding would be one to remember.
With all this beauty and detail, Rachel and I couldn’t click fast enough. We spent 14 hours capturing nearly every moment. Everywhere we turned, there was a memory or an emotion that needed to be documented, written as an image to be remembered forever.
Brittney and Dale, thank you so much for inviting us to be part of your wedding. Yours is one that we will never forget. 🙂
We would love to know what you think @ or get a hold of us on Facebook
Filled Under : Wedding
Beautiful pictures.