Post filled under : Wedding

On the coldest (and final) day of the year, these two amazingly warm-hearted people were married. The cold didn’t stop them. It had quite an opposite effect. It made them courageous, it made them creative and they persevered with the most joy. The bridesmaids wrapped in blankets and the groom sported his beaver mittens. The filtered Read more ..

  Blessed we stood beside them witnessing the official start of their lifetime of fearless love and aspiring adventures.  Here’s to the most beautiful couple. Here’s to the start of their amazing future together. An amazing future of loyalty, love and Christ-centred selflessness. Matt & Sharla, let Christ be your guide. Let Him be your Read more ..

Amanda’s smile. There, that’s it. There really needs very little else said because, as cheesy as it sounds, her smile truly says it all. As you scroll through Amanda and Chayse’s gallery you will notice this one, very obvious detail. It really didn’t need to be pointed out and yet there it is in nearly Read more ..

  When we think back on Kayla and Drew’s wedding day we smile, and then we chuckle a little. The word that best describes our time with them is fun! Really good, honest fun. There really was never a dull moment with this crew. They filled their time together with games and memories and laughter Read more ..

We were honoured to spend one amazing day documenting Kirstin and Andrew’s elegant downtown Edmonton wedding. Their day was perfect. She was graceful and stylish; he was dapper and courteous. Together they worked to create a special day, gathering their loved ones from opposite sides of the globe. Truly you will look high and low Read more ..

  Despite a patchwork day of clouds and rain, we couldn’t have been blessed with a more charming and joy filled wedding. You really just could not wipe the smile off of their faces. Dan and Carly had planned, prepped and waited, and their day came off without a hitch. From frogs to fireworks, from Read more ..

  All Karissa and James just had to do was to mention that their wedding was in beautiful Nordegg and we cleared our schedule! And truly, there is nothing better than hanging out with an energetic and carefree couple in one of God’s most beautifully created areas. Us or them… I really don’t know who Read more ..

Andrea & Colton, two more beautiful people (with a love for adventure, life and music) you will not find. We were honoured to tag along with them on their day to be witness to their whirlwind of passion, romance, mutual respect and deep admiration. We couldn’t be more proud of the two of you and Read more ..
